Auditor Enumerations School 1822


Deaf and Dumb 1827-1833

submitted by Adina Dyer, January 2002

This is all I copied from this roll. Hope someone finds it a little helpful. Unfortunately it doesn't name the kids, just lists how many were in the household. Some of these names were a little tricky to read as indicated by the ? used. Microfilm roll #27 located at the Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana:

An Enumeration of the white unmarried youth, between the ages of four and twenty-one years, in School District No. 6, Springfield Township, Clark County, said district being entirely situated in said township.

Those residing in Township No. 4, R. 9 are as follows, to wit:

Valentine Weaver - 4 David Hughes - 3
Zebulon Lewis - 7 William Goulden - 1
David Pettigrew - 7 Dan Reed - 1
Francis Lewis - 2 Obediah Hackney - 2
Total - 27

Those residing in Township 5, Range 9 are as follows: (transcribed as in the order they are listed)

Walter Smallwood - 4 John Martin - 1 Thomas Best - 1
Henry Hawken - 5 James May - 6 Ruth Shipman - 2
Mrs. Woodward - 1 Leonard Hain - 3 Hosea Harrison - 1
Daniel Keinbortz - 2 James S. Christie - 2 James Watson - 2
James B. Berry - 3 Cooper Ludlow - 6 Jonathan Lehman - 1
A.D. Mereness? - 2 John Tate - 4 James Hammon - 1
John Williams - 4 Mrs. Steinback - 3 Mrs. Lyon - 1
John Householder - 1 Saml. B. Ball - 2 John Gates - 1
Martin Cary - 4 John Tomlin - 1 Peteriah? Thompson - 7
Jesse Christie - 2 D. C. Skillman - 5 Am'h Wettrington? - 3
James S. Halsey - 3 Joseph Weaver - 3 Mrs. Boyce - 1
William Harris - 1 John Householder - 3 John Thompson - 6
Total 98

We the undersigned trustees of Springfield Township certify the following to be a true list of families residing in that part of said district No. 5 Springfield Township lying in Town 4, Range 9

1. Mac Drindel? 2. John Drindel? 3. Wm. Drindel?
4. Zeb Lewis 5. David Hughes 6. John Gates
7. Wm. Best 8. Obediah Hackney 9. John Humphrey
10. Samuel Jones 11. James Cornell 12. Mr. Cambell
13. James Lee 14. A. Thompson 15. Wm. Golden
16. Henry Bechtel? 17. Mr. Rice? Mrs. Rice? 18. Mrs. Kirkpatrick
19. Valentine Weaver 20. John Tait 21. Joseph Mason
22. David Pettigrew 23. Be ___? Tenent? 24. David Barnet
Signed: Oliver Armstrong

Sampson Hubbell

 February 28, 1831

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